The community of Xavier School San Juan belatedly celebrated the feast day of St. Ignatius of Loyola through an Institutional Mass last August 1, 2022. The theme of the Eucharistic Celebration was “Seeing All Things New In Christ,” which was also the theme of the recently-ended Ignatian Year, which commemorated the 500th anniversary of the conversion of St. Ignatius. The mass was presided by the Campus Minister, Fr. Felipe “Philip” Yohan Jr., SJ and was attended by the Blue Batch from Grades 5 to Grade 12 at the Fr. Rafael Cortina, SJ Sports Center, together with Xavier School faculty and staff, and guest Jesuit Scholastics from the Loyola House of Studies and the Arrupe Residence. The rest of the school community participated virtually through the Xavier School YouTube Channel.
In his homily, Fr. Philip gave a refresher on the life of St. Ignatius through a simple quiz game. He highlighted the experience of St. Ignatius with a Muslim Moor to remind the community of the values of humility, patience, compassion, and kindness. He related this to the thrust of Xavier School this year, “Bridging the Gaps and Making Connections.” He further added that as disciples of Christ and as Xaverians, we are reminded to not let personal biases and preferences get in the way of seeing God in one’s neighbors and from reaching out to them.
The homily in its entirety can be read on the link below:
Fr. Felipe Yohan Jr., SJ’s Homily
Before the mass ended, Xavier School joined the worldwide Jesuit community in renewing the Consecration of the Society to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. This was followed by a short feast day message from Fr. Ar Dy, who invited the congregation to continue “seeing all things new in Christ”. This can be done by being grateful for each day and by being open to God’s presence and invitation of building His kingdom here on Earth.
¡Viva San Ignacio! Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!