Giving to the Xavier School Community
Thank you for your interest in supporting the Xavier School Community. Your gift makes a huge difference in the lives of our students, faculty, staff, and partner communities. Let us know where you’d like your donation to go. Just select the beneficiary you would like to donate to from the options below.
This scholarship fund was founded on the principle that “no boy who is otherwise qualified should be deprived of a Xavier education for financial reasons alone.” Now, you can help support our students who need aid. Read more to know more about our donation packages. Read more.
Fr. Ismael Zuloaga, SJ Scholarship Fund (Nuvali Public Schools Grant-in-Aid Program)
This scholarship fund was re-launched in 2020 to support the mandate of Xavier School Nuvali to make Xavier-quality education more accessible by having 25% of the student population on some form of financial aid. Now, every school year, Xavier School Nuvali admits 25 grantee-scholars from public elementary schools. Read more.
Xaverians Para Kay ‘Cher Program
The Para Kay ‘Cher Program (PKC) is a proper channel through which medical assistance to qualified retired teachers of Xavier School can be provided.
This is our emergency fund for helping people in need after a natural calamity or disaster. Know more about our previous disaster relief efforts and how to donate.
Proceeds go to the Alay Kapwa Fund.
Should you like to be a benefactor, please get in touch with us (contact details below). Xavier School and Xavier School Educational Trust Fund are registered institutions that are able to provide certificates of donation. Thank you very much!