Read more about the article Xaverians Shine at the International Kangaroo Mathematics Competition
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Xaverians Shine at the International Kangaroo Mathematics Competition

Xavier School is thrilled to announce and celebrate the remarkable achievements of Xavier School students at the recent International Kangaroo Mathematics Competition-Philippines. These young mathematicians have demonstrated their exceptional skills…

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Read more about the article #FITCon2023: Understanding the SEL(f): Nurturing the Neglected Piece in Education
All photos in this article are from Mr. Kenneth Sangab

#FITCon2023: Understanding the SEL(f): Nurturing the Neglected Piece in Education

Almost a decade ago, the Frontiers and Innovations in Teaching (FIT) Conference was born out of the ever-changing demands of the 21st century in terms of pedagogy, technology integration, student…

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Xavier School Students Qualify in the World Mathematics Invitational (WMI) Tournament Finals

image source: Global Olympiads Academy Xavier School is thrilled to announce the exceptional performance of our grade school students in the Preliminary Round of the World Mathematics Invitational (WMI) Tournament…

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Read more about the article Xavier Holds Closing Ceremonies for IBDP Cohort 12
Photo from Mr. John Michael Sing, Cohort 12 parent representative

Xavier Holds Closing Ceremonies for IBDP Cohort 12

Xavier School's International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) Cohort 12 held its closing ceremonies to conclude the May 2023 Exam Session at the Angelo King Multi-Purpose Center, May 19. The closing ceremony began with…

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