Nominations for the 2020 Xavier-Kuangchi Award for Exemplary Alumni

Date  :        25 September 2019


To     :        The Xavier School Community


From :        XS Board of Trustees


Re     :        Nominations for the 2019 Xavier-Kuangchi Award for Exemplary Alumni




We are pleased to announce the start of the nomination process for the 2020 Xavier-Kuangchi Award for Exemplary Alumni.


This annual tribute provides the school with an opportunity to recognize exemplary alumni who can serve as role models to inspire all Xaverians to lead similarly exemplary lives.


The award is named after St. Francis Xavier and Paul Hsü Kuangchi, from whom the school takes its English and Chinese names, respectively.  It was established to honor the alumnus who clearly manifests the attributes that define the Xavier Ideal of “men fully alive endowed with a passion for justice and the skills for development.”  This Xaverian has made the most of his talents and resources and, through service and leadership, has had a positive impact in his community and to society in general.


Alumni who graduated from 1960 to 2000 are eligible for the 2020 awards.   Nomination forms are available at the Development and Alumni Relations Office (DARO) or on-line at:  Deadline for submission is on  December 6, 2019.


For further inquiries, please call Ms. Bambi Chua at (02) 8 723-0481 loc. 1903 or email at or


Thank you.





(sgd.)                                                            (sgd.)     

Fr. Aristotle C. Dy, SJ                                   Mr. Johnip G. Cua   

President                                                     Chairman       

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