Dear Parents,
With the issuance of Proclamation No. 297 lifting the State of Public Health Emergency in the Philippines, the following health protocols will now be followed:
a. For students presumed to be in good health, masking is now optional in school premises, including indoor, air-conditioned spaces.
b. Masks are REQUIRED for students with Cough, Colds, or Household exposure to a Covid case. Students who have difficulty keeping their masks on will be advised to stay home until they are well.
c. Masking may still be required for off-campus activities, depending on the context.
d. Students with FEVER will be sent home. They may return to school as long as they have no fever for 48 hours. Presentation of a medical certificate or clearance from a physician will NOT be accepted as a reason for early return.
e. Students with fever will be monitored in an outdoor isolation area while waiting for parents to fetch them. Parents are advised to pick their child up within 3 hours. In the event the child is critically ill or the parents cannot be reached, it will be the physician’s discretion to send the child to the emergency room of Cardinal Santos Medical Center for further treatment.
f. Students with household exposure to a Covid case are no longer required to isolate. They may come to class if they do not have symptoms. They are asked to keep their masks on except for meal times.
g. Students who are Covid-positive may return to school once they have completed the 5-day isolation period and have no symptoms for 48 hours. A negative Covid Antigen test is not required to return to school.
For any concerns, please talk to any of the physicians or nurses in the Xavier School Infirmary. You may contact us:
Email: xsinfirmary@xs.edu.ph
Landline: 87230481 loc. 1403 (Main Infirmary)
87230481 loc. 1402 (EED)
Mobile: 09176375065
Thank you for your cooperation.
Very truly yours,
Ann Marie Tan-Ting, MD MHSA FAAP FPPS
Medical Coordinator
Xavier School Infirmary
Noted by:
Fr. Aristotle C. Dy SJ, Ph.D.
School President