There’s no better way to show Xaverian #XSELence than through an array of extracurricular activities (ECA) as the HS SAP brings you a virtual ECA experience like no other!
Having trouble deciding which club and committee to choose for this year? Get to try out and learn more about what they have to offer in XSEL during the ECA virtual demo fest on Monday, August 10 from 3:15-4:00 PM. Visit the different ECA virtual rooms to experience sample activities the clubs and committees have prepared for you.
Grab the chance to join your top club and committee choices during the online club enlistment the following day, Tuesday, August 11 from 10:10 AM-4:00 PM. All slots are on a first come; first served basis, and each club has its own member quota, so make sure you sign up as soon as you can! Committee signups will be opened the next day, Wednesday, August 12.
Had trouble connecting/accessing ECA fair materials and signup sheets? We have backup dates for you: August 13-14 will be designated dates for special signups, so you won’t have to worry about not being able to join a club or committee this year!
Please check the HS SAP e-circular sent last August 7 for more information regarding the ECA Fair.
For any questions, clarifications, and concerns, please contact the HS SAP Office through this e-mail address:
So set your alarms and mark your calendars for the exciting week ahead–your future ECA awaits!