Xavier School’s International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) Cohort 12 held its closing ceremonies to conclude the May 2023 Exam Session at the Angelo King Multi-Purpose Center, May 19.
The closing ceremony began with the singing of the national anthem and an opening prayer led by Gian Lorenzo Reguyal of 12A. This was followed by the opening remarks of Fr. Aristotle Dy, SJ, Xavier School president, who congratulated the cohort for finishing the series of examinations they took during the first three weeks of May.
Testimonials then followed. Gian Paulo Mangio of 12B represented the cohort who “are anxious about saying goodbye, and maybe doing so for the last time in a long while.” He gave a nod to their teachers and thanked them for pushing their students to do better and for believing in them when they didn’t believe in themselves.
Ms. Cherrydel Tuladoc, Batch 2023 guidance counselor, recounted the hopes and dreams of the cohort back when they were in Grade 9 in her testimonial. “There might have been moments you were not proud of your choices, but be proud of the idea that you are capable of creating something better out of them,” Ms. Tuladoc said in her speech.
Atty. Edson Eufemio gave a testimonial on behalf of the parents and mentioned how the IBDP has helped their sons learn through their mistakes and rise up from setbacks.
Afterwards, Mr. Raul Enrico Bernardo and Mr. Atom Von Monfero, class advisers of 12A and 12B respectively, called on the names of the Cohort 12 students to receive their certificates of completion and IB tokens.
To end the closing ceremony, Mr. Paolo Suapengco, IBDP coordinator, gave his remarks where he talked about the experiences he went through with the cohort. He also assured the cohort that in their own right, they have already succeeded. He concluded his speech with the wish and hope for the cohort that no matter where they end up, they will always have a home in Xavier School, and that they will always have each other as family.
The closing ceremony ended with the singing of the Xavier School Song and a pictorial of the cohort. The dinner organized by the parents followed after, with some games facilitated by the students.
Congratulations, Cohort 12! Luceat Lux!
Xavier Holds Closing Ceremonies for IBDP Cohort 12

Photo from Mr. John Michael Sing, Cohort 12 parent representative