Grant-In-Aid Program

The Xavier School Educational and Trust Fund, Inc. (XSETF) was set up in 1966 to grant financial aid to deserving students, on the principle that “No student who is otherwise qualified, shall be deprived of a Xavier education solely for financial reasons.” The Grant-in-Aid Program of the XSETF offers financially challenged but otherwise qualified students the opportunity of quality education that Xavier School offers.

Who are Qualified to Avail of the Grant-In-Aid (GIA) Program?
1. Applicant’s family cannot afford Xavier School education for financial reasons
2. Applicant who passes the admissions process of Xavier School
3. Applicants for Grades 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 must have Chinese studies (Mandarin) background

How does One Avail of the Grant/Scholarship?
1. The applicant who received an OUTRIGHT acceptance to Xavier School may secure the necessary forms from the XSETF Grant-In-Aid Office or download these at the website of the school.
2. The parents of the applicant will be interviewed regarding the child’s application for the grant.
3. Home Visit and/or In-Depth Interview will be conducted

What are the Conditions for the Approval of the Grant/Scholarship?
1. The applicant has received an OUTRIGHT acceptance to Xavier School after the admissions process.
2. The family has provided accurate data in the GIA application forms and submitted all the documentary requirements
3. The approved grant apply only for the specific school year applied for.

For further inquiries, please email or call 87230481 local 1705.