XS Launches Kiko’s Korner

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04 April 2020

Xavier School officially launches Kiko’s Korner (xskikoskorner.weebly.com), a support site that aims to give members of the XS community a medium to be productive and empowered during the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ).

The site is described as:

Xavier School’s response to current adversities faced by our nation and our society. It is an initiative that aims to provide an avenue for members of the Xavier community to come and journey together in times of need. As a support site, it is a place where people who seek help or seek to provide help can go to. It hopes to nurture the values of CHARACTER, COMMUNITY, COMPASSION, and CONSCIENCE.  

In support of the KKK – Kalinga Kontra Korona initiative, the site hopes to provide ways in which one can maximize one’s time by learning helpful information, sharing positive ideas and messages, and empowering oneself when one is beset with feelings of uncertainty and helplessness in this time of enhanced community quarantine. 

Through segments such as Passion Projects and Quarantainment, the site provides opportunities for entertainment and self enhancement. This section has a family corner that gives family members ideas on how to bond and do fun activities. DIY tutorials, special video segments, fitness routines, and book/TV show/movie reviews will be regularly updated to keep everyone engaged. Watch out for special song covers that will surely make you sing along.

In these trying times, it is vital that one’s spiritual and mental well-being are taken care of. The Pause. Reflect. Pray and Lifeline sections will impart ways on how one may nourish the spiritual and mental aspects of one’s life. Helpful information about dealing with emotions and stress will be featured in these pages, and there will be an interactive wall where site visitors may share their thoughts, intentions, and prayers. Special batch prayers that cater to the specific needs and intentions of each batch will also be shared.

Remaining positive during the ECQ is a must, and the Luceat Lux page will certainly keep one hopeful, inspired, and motivated with messages of hope, special features, as well as other important updates on the fight against COVID- 19.

As a support arm of KKK-Kalinga Kontra KoronaKiko’s Korner also hopes to garner monetary help to aid KKK’s extensive donation drive. There is much to do, and KKK needs all the help it can get. Click on the donate link of the Luceat Lux page to find out how you can still help our frontliners and community members who are in dire need of assistance. 

The site holds many other features that will surely keep everyone healthily preoccupied while staying safe at home. Currently in its soft-launch stage, more content will be made available in the coming days and weeks. 

Visit the site to learn more about Kiko’s Korner! May it serve as our little Korner of refuge in this time of Corona.

Luceat Lux! 

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    Thank you for a helping hand, a site that will help us to stay free from stress and provide a message of hope and pray.


    Good day everyone. Hope that in this time we are all safe and free from harm. Now a days we encounter a big struggle in our generation the COVID-19 pandemic where all facing this kind of problem all over the world. I find this site toas one the interesting and inspiring topic. Hope to enjoy jorney Kiko’s Korner


    Hello Kiko’ Corner. I loved to share my journey in you hope that this site will help us to develop a good mind setting,a virtue of hope, be productive and spiritually stable. We pray that the Lord God will help us.

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