Independence Day was festively celebrated by the Xavier School Model United Nations (xsMUN) as its delegates proudly represented Xavier School and the Philippines in the Singapore Model United Nations held from June 10 to 13, 2019 at the National University of Singapore.
Lance Dy (11A) and Enrico Lacson (11B) bagged best position paper as co-delegates of Ireland in the European Council.
Matthew Tansiongkun (11B) was also awarded best position paper as the delegate of Republic of Finland in the World Health Organization.
Lastly, Gabriel Mallare (10F) received a verbal commendation as the delegate of Republic of Austria in the World Trade Organization.
xsMUN would also like to thank its moderator, Mr. Jacob Nolasco (JHS Social Science teacher), for his guidance throughout the trainings and the conference proper. xsMUN invites all students to foster Xaverian excellence in the spirit of diplomacy by joining the club this coming school year.